Scientific Tourism
15 November 2022
“Scientific tourism is an activity where visitors participate in the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, carried by research and development centers.”
Science tourism is subdivided into many types, which may have different combinations.
Science tourism can be classified as a type of tourism that is carried out
- for the purpose of professional research and of interest to science: study of historical and cultural heritage, fauna, flora and so on. Usually the research is undertaken at the expense of the sending party and is in the form, of expeditions, field practice and so on.
For various conferences and seminars, science tourism is combined with business tourism:
- with practical and educational purposes for students of educational institutions. For example, geological, historical, archaeological practices;
- for the purpose of acquainting the general public with the history of scientific research, the uniqueness of natural resources and historical and cultural heritage. For example, travelling to caves, visiting museums and so on.